Much of what you need is provided; linens, kitchenwares. Much of what you may need is listed below. Give it a glance to ensure you have the BEST time ever. We will give you a good list of stuff to bring before camp – we post it in the group…but this gives you a good idea.

What to Bring


  • Leotard or bathing suit to wear under stuff for when we play dress up
  • Sandals/ flip flops
  • Pajamas
  • Bathing Suits
  • Hoop wear (confortable clothing)
  • Trainers or tennis shoes
  • A light jacket/sweater
  • Weekend wear


  • Beach Towel
  • Shampoo/Soap
  • Insect repellent
  • Sunscreen

Fire Hooping!!!! (See workshop for more deets):

  • Fire Hoop
  • Fire Kit

Altered Couture (more details are listed on her Lisa’s “Bio”): 

If you are attending the Altered Couture workshop, please bring the following:
  • Bring 6-7 different colored t-shirts (don’t buy these shirts, grab them from around the house / thrift store score – think cheap)
  • Bits that you thought would look good on something but couldn’t quite figure out how to make it work
  • Do BUY some scissors (Fiskars with orange handle r the best. They carry them at joanne’s or target. ~12.99)
  • Mad enthusiasm


  • Hula Hoop (optional – there will be some class hoops available for the classes & hoops for sale)
  • Flashlight/ batteries
  • Ear Plugs – like seriously
  • Sunglasses
  • Camera
  • Water bottle
  • Spending money
  • Yoga mat for personal meditation & Yoga class
  • Beach Chair/Umbrella, etc.

Beverages & Food: 

  • Our retreat is beer and wine friendly. No stiff drinks, please. 
  • If you are a friend of Bill and wanna let us know, we can support your stay. 
  • Also, feel free to bring snacks that would improve your stay (or if you have special dietary needs – we support you!).