Variety and quality of class offerings, that we all LIVE together, that it’s on the beach!, that we get the chance to play with FIRE, that EVERYONE is extremely supportive of each other, that ‘problems’ are solved professionally and QUICKLY, THE FOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!
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What she said!
Top notch accommodations? Unique and inspiring classes? Amazing food? Loving and accepting people? Yes, HHC had it all in 2013! Seriously anticipating 2014…
M. Minshew
HHC was an amazingly positive and inspirational long weekend of feminine empowerment. Although “hoop”is in the title, HHC is so much more than that. I made connections with others and with myself that are invaluable. I truly felt accepted in my own skin. So much love for Rowan& Blythe for making it happen. I highly recommend it, especially if you’re a newbie.
T. Joi 2013
Variety and quality of class offerings, that we all LIVE together, that it’s on the beach!, that we get the chance to play with FIRE, that EVERYONE is extremely supportive of each other, that ‘problems’ are solved professionally and QUICKLY, THE FOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!
~ Anon 2013
I just love HHC…there is no where on earth that I feel more loved for being just the way that I am. We are free to be ourselves, I didn’t wear a bra the whole time I was there and putting it back on this morning was a bit of a drag…haha! I plan on being at HHC every year for the rest of my life…so plan for the next 50 or 60 years please!!!
~ Anon 2013
Well, just about everything. I loved the connections that I made with wonderful, strong women that are truly individuals & the size acceptance aspect. I loved seeing the wealth of creativity that the Hotties posses: Vendor boutique, talent show, creating your look, and altered couture. I loved the classes: Altered Couture (so fun), Shooting LED (awesome ideas), Trey’s class (what an amazing personal story/journey), etc. The last hurrah of hoop church – so moving. The beach. Late night LED hoopin… Read more
~ Anon 2013
SO many things to love about HHC! I loved the close knit vibe of equality and dress up collaborations. Loved the Altered Couture classes and discussion classes regarding making videos/photos that shine. Super rad! It was super chill that it was at the beach, my favorite place to be. Most of all I loved being close to Blythe & Rowan. You gals just make my heart sing.
~ Anon 2013
The food, the classes, how well the lack of a big bonfire/burn was handled. All in all it was an amazing retreat, and I wouldn’t trade any of those memories for the world.
~ Anon 2013
The “do what you need to do for yourself” ethos. Its empowering and makes the individual and the group stronger.
~ Anon 2013
There’s something different and truly magical happening at this hooping event where the goal is not learning or perfecting more “tricks”, but gathering hooping ladies together in a celebration of how fabulous we are. Hottie Hoop Camp’s whole-body approach to the weekend is a formula that highlights self-acceptance and self-love and wraps it all up within the warm embrace of true community and the joy of hooping.
~ L. Eastburn
It’s something more than the deliciously catered three meals a day, cozy beach house accommodations, and long lineup of out-of-the-box classes. ~ L. Eastburn
~ L. Eastburn
I can’t say I’ve ever been to a hoop gathering where the hoopers seem happier than they are here at Hottie Hoop Camp, the annual event organized on the beach of Surfside, Texas, USA, by Rowanand Blythe TwoSisters, the sibling brains behind Dallas- and Houston-based Punk Rock Hoops.
When I woke up this morning, George said I was talking in my sleep. He quoted “sexy hoop girlie”. Hottie Hoop Camp took over my dreamscape – Awesome!!!
LS 2012
The weekend was full of yummy food and super interesting classes, I only wish it happened more than once a year.
HMS 2012
Miss you all! i was so bummed that i had to make my own breakfast yesterday morning… 🙂 xo
Ms. YET 2012
SUCH fond memories of my first HHC. I think of you all daily 🙂
LE 2012